Just thought I’d share this post having recently listened to Jim Stengel’s excellent CMO Podcast which featured Gary Vaynerchuk.
It may help refocus your thought process when planning an approach to your marketing strategy, a pitch or content.
The struggle for many companies is real as they try to cut through the noise, especially in today’s fragmented market place
Many companies are facing on-going challenges:
– Social Media content not gaining tractions
– Sales leads and opportunities are flat or declining
– Brand messaging failing to resonate with customer
– Paid Search and SEO not converting to business
– An inability to work out the true value of your marketing
So the podcast really resonated with me. Link at the bottom of this post👇
Jim is former CMO of one of the largest marketers in the world (Procter & Gamble) and the content discussed by him and Gary, also re-enforced the findings from The The B2B Institute and Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, Institute of Marketing Sciences, which found that:
“95% of B2B buyers are not actively in-market at any given time”
In other words they are not ready to buy. If you are a CEO or C-suite executive running an organization, the need to understand where your business is right now is paramount.
In the podcast Gary said:
“Scaling Brands in 2022 is different. We don’t have consumption and we’re making assumptions not grounded in common sense around awareness”
Using sales messaging throughout the buying cycle, especially at the discovery phase can be a recipe for disaster. So why do brands do it?
In short, a lot of content produced, is not being consumed or engaged with.
To put this in some kind of context as it was near the end of the podcast, Gary’s point is that a lot of communication is being created in one dimension.
It’s like running a business and looking purely at the P&L or sales figures at the end of the month or quarter. We know that there are numerous layers to what makes the organization tick.
Not only has a lot of the creativity been lost, but the measurement we are using (CPMs. Clicks etc) can be a little dated too in this new world.
A point that is always well made by Chris Walker, CEO of Refine Labs.
There are so many touchpoints that people take on a journey before making up their mind on the company or solution that they trust to the service or solution that will solve their problem.
I hope this gave you a little food for thought and you find the podcast of interest.
Feel free to reach out if you wish to discuss any of the above. Thanks for reading.