Why another marketing agency isn’t right for you?

You need to increase sales. 

  • You compile a brief
  • You go to 3 to 5 agencies to request a proposal or quote
  • You receive 3 to 5 proposals
  • You call in 2 or 3 you like for a face to face presentation of ideas and how they will meet your goals
  • You decide on the one you:
    • Like the most
    • Think is the most honest
    • Think has the most unique ideas
    • Think is the safest bet (best known brand)
    • See as the cheapest (less to lose)

    Why are none of these the right reasons to choose an agency? 

    Because you are simply following an archaic old fashioned model. It’s what businesses have done for decades, but does not mean that is the right way to go about these things!

    Marketing briefs are overrated

    Simply giving an agency a brief overview of what you want, is never going to be enough to create a realistic proposal of what your business needs for growth. From this scenario there is no way to know why you are not growing now, what is or isn’t working for you, if their solution will or won’t actually work to meet your needs, how you will measure successes and failures, is your budget enough, or reasonable or even aligned with achieving your goals?

    Each agency will simply take their box of tricks, be it social media, lead gen, PPC, SEO, AI automation or content – and with your budget and tell you what you want to hear. e.g.

    £Your budget + their preferred service = £Your goals

    I know this, because in the past, I have done this kind of proposal myself!

    It’s logical, it’s mathematical but it isn’t realistic.

    CALCULATION: How many sales do you need, what’s a reasonable conversion rate, work it back to clicks and slap a budget to get that number of clicks on it. 

    Google ads + LinkedIn ads + SEO + Our Fees = £Investment
    = x Clicks
    = y Sales

    It’s a clever spreadsheet of workings out, reversed engineered based on your numbers.

    It may even work initially for the first month or two but will soon start to fizzle out.


    Because you likely have no strategy, no brand definition, no value proposition, nothing which tells your potential customer why they need you and why you will solve their problems; plus being the perfect solution based on all the options available to them. 

    What makes us different?

    • We don’t do proposals based on your brief
    • We do make you pay upfront for our workshop
    • However, we will offer a deep commitment to truly embracing your business and ensuring that our strategies are perfectly aligned with your vision by:
      • Establishing your true goals
      • Identifying all the barriers standing in the way of getting there
      • Assessing all the opportunities to accelerate growth
      • And preparing a prioritised action plan to chip away at all those barriers and gain growth in a sustainable, achievable way

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