Do you really need a PPC Agency?

Businesses often employ PPC (pay per click) agencies when they’re looking to substantially increase online sales.

But before you start contacting PPC agencies in the hope of finding the right fit for your business, we’d urge you to pause and consider whether PPC is the right solution for your business.

To help you, we’ve pulled together our top mindsets for PPC in this blog. To explore why organisations outsource PPC and whether it’s even the best solution for your needs, read on.

Why outsource PPC?

Most organisations who work with an external PPC agency don’t have the capability within their organisation to manage a PPC campaign. In addition, they usually have a target they’re working towards – one they cannot deliver without the support of PPC. For these reasons, they outsource the delivery of PPC campaigns.

However, before you jump into a new PPC campaign, it’s important to consider the value of PPC and whether it’s the best use of your marketing budget.

The benefits of a strategic evaluation of PPC

As digital marketing experts, we’ve met many organisations suffering from a fear of missing out. These organisations use pay per click because they perceive that everyone else is doing it. If they don’t use PPC, there’s a risk that the competition will be using it, taking customers right from under their noses.

However, your organisation is not necessarily missing out. If PPC is driving traffic to your website but not engaging users, it’s possibly not working for you.

When you’re weighing up different marketing strategies, it’s a good idea to look at the wider aims of your business and work out whether pay per click is likely to help you achieve them. Only when you have a clear understanding of what you’re working towards can you find the best solution for your needs.  

Revisit your business goals and audit your digital marketing against them. This will help you identify what you need to achieve and whether PPC is the best tool.

Identify whether you’re looking for increased traffic to your website, or to strengthen your brand, increase leads, or something else. Then ask how much your PPC has achieved so far. What has worked? Where does it fall down?

Use this information to work out whether PPC is an effective solution that offers value for money.

Are your digital channels ready for increased traffic?

It’s possible that PPC has not worked well for you because potential customers have arrived at your website or social channels and found them wanting.

If you think this could be why previous PPC campaigns let you down, take some time to invest in your online presence. Make sure that your website and social media are all up to date, accurate and as good as you can make them. Show potential leads exactly what you offer and why it’s the best solution on the market.

A PPC campaign will increase the traffic to your website and socials so you need them to be ready!

Working with Digital Clarity

If your digital marketing could be working harder, talk to us. We employ a strategic approach to all areas of digital marketing, from web design to PPC and beyond, helping our clients to achieve their business goals. With a clear strategy from Digital Clarity behind you, you’ll know whether PPC is the right solution to drive growth in your unique organisation.

To find out more, book a call with us today.

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